you are changing so much
these are the things I want to remember
*muk* instead of milk
the frantic signing of milk milk milk milk while running through the house screaming *muk muk muk*
up up
up up on everything. You put your tractor on top of your turtle sandbox and sit like you are the king of everything. You put your step stool on top of the toilet and know you cannot balance up there and scream. You want to stand on the kitchen table. You skate across your play table. You want up up on mommy mountain. You want horse and cow up up on the airport.
Ah. Horse and cow. Or more like horseandcow. How you love these plastic animals. They need to go everywhere with you. As with Happy and Gus. You love to drop Happy and Gus (my old 1970's lumberjack action figures) off of the bed and say, "Oh no. Happy and Gus. Happy and Gus!" At which point I have to crawl under the bed to retrieve them. Then they hug, kiss, and go to sleep. It is heartbreakingly cute.
You love to sing and be sung to - and know all the words to every song you have ever heard. In fact you like to name songs for us to sing. And when we sing the *I love* song - you must name each thing you love. Right now you love - Blue, Joe, Steve, Periwinkle, Horse, Cow, monkey song, and upside down, and various combinations of these.
A few of your favorite songs are:
Upside down (monkey song) by Jack Johnson
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
I Only Have Eyes for You the Sinatra version
Freight Train by Elizabeth Cotton
Why You Been Gone So Long by Johnny Darrell
The Train Medley by the Persuasions
but you have so many favorite songs there is no way I could list them all.
Your all encompassing love of anything Blue's Clues. It is amazing how you took to Joe and have even made me give a little on my *only Steve* stance.
You are fearless. You will touch anything. Taste anything. Climb anything.
How you will only eat organic fruit. It is like you can somehow taste the difference. And I guess, because you are a super sensitive kiddo, that makes sense. But, man, you are putting us in the poorhouse with your only organic fruit addiction - you ate a whole container of blueberries in a day.
The way you love the book - Leonard the Terrible Monster - you have memorize the entire story and love to say all the names of the other monsters. And the way you say Hector is beyond cute.
straw-bay-ya (strawberry)
cot-see (coffee)
el-tant (elephant)
watzel (waffle)
outschide (outside)
And while it worries me - your super-sensitivity - I still find it endearing how you say "I sorry baby" when you are crying and are upset about something.
In the caves - this is what you say when you want to go under the blankets.
And right now, I hear you in the bathtub with your dad and you are saying, "I a cow. I a cow." And now you are making bubble beards. God, I love you.