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I'm so sorry. I am frazzled with a full term child, no major issues. I can't imagine all the challenges you face every day. Just know that there are people out there thinking of your little family. You're not alone.


Do you have any parent support groups around you? I know in our area many of our families in EI join and it's a huge help- you need to have those rants!! Otherwise you'll explode :) Just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts....


I am so sorry that life is wearing you down so much right now. I hope you find some peace... and rant away girl, you need to get it all out so you have room for the 'good stuff'.

Sending a big hug your way, hang in there.


I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I know it's going to get better. Just hang in there and take care of yourself, too.


Your description of parenting a former micropreemie is spot on! I can relate.

Just know that you are not alone in the world of parenting former micropreemie's.

Jen, mom of Meghan, former 27 weeker, 725 grams


been thinking about you - sending a huge hug.

Eric C. Snowdeal III

i wish there was something i could add that didn't sound like a big whopper of a cliche. just know there are people who haven't met you who have been touched by your graciousness. big hugs from odin and us.


So sorry it's so hard for you right now. Do whatever helps, and if that means writing lots of "whining" posts, then so be it. Big hugs to you, A., and I really really hope that life will cut you a fantastic break sooner than soon.


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